Fetchingly Clad

Germaine Greer remembers Zappa:

Once at the supermarket, Frank was sauntering along behind as we two women pushed our trolleys and minded our own business. He was fetchingly clad in a violent turquoise coloured cat-suit which was unzipped to below the navel, showing a plentiful growth of silky black hair with no sign of underwear. A pair of shoppers became fascinated by this spectacle and began following him about, the woman tittering and making loud comments. Frank stood it as long as he could, and then turned to her and roared: “Eat! My! Shit!”

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11 Responses to Fetchingly Clad

  1. Guacamole says:

    strange coincidence; yesterday morning I was wakened by my radio alarm at the point where the newsreader informed me that Germaine Greer’s mobile phone ringtone is “G-Spot Tornado.”

  2. Guacamole says:

    Er, what is this “your comment is awaiting moderation” stuff ? since when ? this is how you get deranged 13 year olds screaming the “c” word ;-)

  3. Woops! Approved now, sorry ’bout that. Maybe WordPress thinks “Germaine Greer” is a spammer-term?

    G-e-t your xxx freee Germ-ai-ne Gr-eeee-r he-reee xxx !!!

  4. (actually I think the word r i n g t o n e did it…)

  5. Montana Wildhack says:

    That isn’t exactly justifiable behaviour by FZ…. if some crusty did it in Iceland we’d wanna motherfuckin spark him!

  6. Guacamole says:

    Is that “Iceland” as in Reykjavik, Bjork etc, or “Iceland” the cheapo frozen-food shop chain, as in “Mum’s gone to Iceland” ???.

  7. Montana Wildhack says:

    Yes, the latter……but you knew that anyway. Pshaw! dressing weird and then acting all indignant because people look at you askance.

  8. xorg says:

    So. What do we learn from this article? Mainly that Germaine Greer is quite dumb (despite her intellectual pretensions);she had the crabs but needed help to get to the chemist; she can’t figure out how to download stuff; and completely missed what FZ was doing musically. Twelve years after his death it’s starting to dawn on her! Oh well, better late than never! Meanwhile, Gail continues to tease us with the mythical treasures in the Vault…

    By the way, the Britten Sinfonia are definitely worth looking out for if they play anywhere near you. I’ve been to three of their concerts which have featured FZ works amongst other ‘contemporary classical’ stuff. http://www.brittensinfonia.co.uk/. But don’t get too excited yet; their current programme of concerts doesn’t include any FZ.

  9. jonnybutter says:

    She wrote this same basic column already several years ago. This version is a lot different (more..er..senile). In the original, Zappa’s retort to the gawking woman was: ‘Blow it out your ass!’.

  10. Duncan says:


    After Ms Greer’s revelations… I found an interview with Jimmy Wale, the Wikipedia guy, in the Online section…


    What are the pros and cons of open editing?

  11. bernard says:

    Visiting a rather big store?

    Well, for me it happens to be something like the chat / gossip opportunity after the sunday’s mass in earlier times :

    You just talk to and with people.

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