Obsolete Skills

What obsolete skill are you?
Quite appropriately, I turned out to be French:

You are ‘French’. In the nineteenth century, it was the international language of diplomacy. It is a ‘beautiful’ language, meaning that it is really just a low-fidelity copy of Latin. You know the importance of communicating ‘diplomatically’, which for you means both being polite and friendly when necessary and using sophisticated, vicious sarcasm when appropriate. Your life is guided by either existentialism or nihilism, depending on the weather. You have a certain appreciation for the finer things in life, which is a diplomatic way of saying that you are a disgusting hedonist.

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5 Responses to Obsolete Skills

  1. SOFA says:

    “You are ‘juggling’. Jugglers, tumblers, and other street performers were a very popular sort of entertainment once, before movies and talkies and online quizzes supplanted them.
    You like to put on a show for people, and they like to watch. You are friendly and well-liked, particularly for your sense of humor, although you sometimes play with people’s heads. You are frequently the center of attention, and you like it that way. However, you have to realize that the world does not revolve around you. Furthermore, you have to learn that your light-hearted antics are not appropriate to all situations. Your problem is that juggling has been obsolete for a long time.”

    Pretty accurate…

  2. Dr Sharleena says:

    You are ‘Latin’. Even among obsolete skills, the tongue of the ancient Romans is a real anachronism. With its profusion of different cases and conjugations, Latin is more than a language; it is a whole different way of thinking about things.

    You are very classy, meaning that you value the classics. You value old things, good things which have stood the test of time. You value things which have been proven worthy and valuable, even if no one else these days sees them that way. Your life is touched by a certain ‘pietas’, or piety; perhaps you are even a Stoic. Nonetheless, you have a certain fascination with the grotesque and the profane. Also, the modern world rejects you like a bad transplant. Your problem is that Latin has been obsolete for a long time.”

    Very precise; this fits me to a T: “Also, the modern world rejects you like a bad transplant”. Can’t be more rigorous :)

  3. Hey, I’m Dr Sharleena’s low-fidelity copy!
    Quot erat demonstrandum, so to speak.

  4. Dr Sharleena says:

    So what did you guys speak around here before Julius Caesar arrived?

  5. That’s an interesting question to which I don’t have an immediate answer… my guess would be either gaelic or celtic… ?

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