Stanford ’80 (1)

Hey guys, feliz navidad! Sorry for the lack of updates. I promise regular programming shall resume in 10 days or so… Friday morning I managed to put up the latest boot but was unable to post the message here (obscure internet place in Brazil kept me from logging in, I have no idea why really). Back in Buenos Aires now, where internet connections seem to be a bit smoother. In the mean time, how’s yer bird? Discuss.

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8 Responses to Stanford ’80 (1)

  1. broadway says:

    sounds like the new “Zappa Does Heroin” series or something. nice quality, cool solos, but uh. really mellow.

  2. Balint says:

    wow, sorry guys, too… I was visiting my parents who live in a far no-internet-type place in the country, so I was not able to do any updates… But from now!… :-)

  3. Aqualung says:


  4. Balint says:

    AQUALUNG!!!!!! WHICH ONE???????? ;-)
    (Oh, i forgot the little asterisks: *********) :-)

  5. Aqualung says:

    the one of the month!!!!!!!!!! :-)

  6. Balint says:

    (oh, I see.. you won’t believe this, but we’re working on it… The stuff is ready, the tet (in hungarian) is almost ready, now comes the translation and the tons of links…. a few day – I hope. Nowadays we did not have time at all… sorry :-) )

  7. Aqualung says:

    Ok. Take all the time you want, but at the end……. POST IT!!! ;-)

  8. dominique says:


    it looks like i have missed pt I ? where could i get it ?


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