Feliz Cumple Año para La Doctora

Happy birthday Doctor Sharl! :)

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16 Responses to Feliz Cumple Año para La Doctora

  1. Dr Sharleena says:

    aaaww…thank you!! :kiss:

  2. Dr Sharleena says:

    “Possibly Related Posts:
    Toalla Para El Culo”

    aren’t you proud of me?? :)

  3. Teehee! What can I say, the system is very smart…

    Hope you like your birthday cake, by the way! :)

  4. Balint says:

    Boldog születésnapot from me, too! Hey!!!

  5. Dr Sharleena says:

    Nagyon köszönöm and tante Grazie to you too!

  6. Josh says:

    From one May 4 birthday to another, have a great one, Dr. Sharl!

  7. Dr Sharleena says:

    is true?? happy birthday to you!!

  8. SOFA says:

    Ginormous Hugs from your biggest fan!

  9. Bob's Daily Quote says:

    I’ve sent a note to Barry instructing him to share one of those beers he owes me with you – that is, if he is able to stop playing air guitar with Neil (or is it the Dweez today?) for a moment or two.

    Happy Birthday.

  10. Dr Sharleena says:

    Actually, it’s Punky Meadows. His hair is so shiny and pretty, i have to say…
    Anyway: i’m having a happy one indeed!! :kiss: for SOFA and Bob Quoting Again! thank you guys!

  11. His hair is so shiny and pretty, i have to say…

    Wait! I’ll throw in some pouting!

  12. abe says:

    happy b day sharleena!!!!!!!!!

  13. Dr Sharleena says:

    thank you abe!! :)

    wait! barry is pouting…

  14. Mario Fuente says:

    Sorry for the belated birthday wish, Doctor—hope you had a good one!

  15. Dr Sharleena says:

    gracias Mario! It still is!

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