Dweezil and Zappa Plays Zappa are live in studio on Rockline Replay, which includes five individual on air segments, wherein Dweezil answers questions from callers as well as from the host Bob Coburn, in between performances of FZ’s and Dweezil’s music. Ever wanted to know if Frank played with Hendrix? Click and find out.
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thanks for the link! I had time to listen only part of it, but there are at least Pygmy Twylite, Dupree’s Paradise and Tiny Lites.
(can anyone make an mp3 copy of that for me?… Ooooh!!! I’m totally amazed!!!!)
just absolutely incredible, though the callers asked some pretty stupid questions. Then again, they probably screened out all the Roxy questions- hmmm, a Zappa/Hendrix tape? Interesting, though I thought they did some jamming live during the Garret stint, I was hoping some of that survived-ho humm…
Brilliant performance, I dug their arrangements, absolutely fantastic!
– good music and
– instructive comments
I guess somebody’s gotta say it, so i guess it’s gonna be me:
from listening to this Rockline set and the other various ZPZ stuff I’ve heard: it’s plain that Joe Travers is a terrible drummer for Frank’s material.
The tempos are so off; his feel is completely wrong for FZ’s music. He plays like a basic simplistic metal drummer with little or no understanding of odd-time meters.
I had to turn off the Rockline line set after hearing him butcher the Dupree’s Paradise groove, and before that playing Pygmy Twylyte so “woodenly”. (Wudden!)
Frank would have kicked this guy to the curb in a second!! I’m glad others have found ZPZ’s performances great. But his drumming is terrible! And his “vaultmeistering” has been mostly mis-guided as well. (but if you guys like it… keep buying those tickets. there i feel better now– rant over)
“Frank would have kicked this guy to the curb in a second”
Say what??? what have you been smokin”
@Roscoe Bledsoe:
I’m glad somebody finally said it. But not only the drums sound wrong to me (I had seen two shows this year and one last year) …
clip 01 – talk + Peaches 2004
clip 02 – about Hendrix; telephones
clip 03 – Pygmy Twylyte
clip 04 – Dupree’s Paradise; Tiny Lites, Willie The Pimp
clip 05 – Dog/Meat, G-Spot Tornado
A recording, anyone?….
Audio Hijacking away here — will let you know how it works out…
Yes please, a recording would be fine.
That radio presentator is a lucky guy. A private concert… just for him
sorry, I’ve meant: CAN anyone MAKE a recording? Couse I can’t… and would be greatful. 128 kbps mp3 is just fine for me…
Thank you Roscoe Bledsoe for saying what needed to be said. After being subjected to Travers’ insensitivity to the subtleties of Zappa’s music at the Albert Hall gig, I decided to avoid the London show this year. It’s a shame since, when you listen to what Dweezil has to say about the music here, you can sense his respect for the music and the dedication he brings to playing it. It is a relief to find that I am not the only one who finds it hard to listen to the result of that dedication because of the drumming.
Got it all Audio Hijacked in aiff format, then converted to mp3 — a mere 102MB. Any takers? :)
Wooaaaahh!! :-) Meeee!! (what should I do?… Rapidshare? or?…)
Am uploading as we speak – hang on…
Recetly enjoyed listening to the Rockline Replay. The LIVE broadcast did not work out for me. Upon first listening the band really seemed on. Can’t wait to hear it again. There were some minor mix issues such as the Gong Crashes in City Of Tiny Lights being way down in the MIX as compared to when saw the band earlier this year where the Vamp was drivin by that Rythem & Bass Rocket Ship taking off over and over. Who knows this could ahve been the MIX decisions for radio. Radio typically has a different listening spectrum as comapred to Hi-Fi.
Anyhow the show was overall up there with the best radio I have ever heard in my life where if I had to pick one or two other broadcasts for my desert island it would be Ritz Nov 81 broadcast on WLIR and Zappa Halloween 81 Broadcast by Starfleet Radio.
The sound of this band is so mature but not only their approach to the composition but on execution. Dweezil talking about this in interviews is one thing but execution is another.
In listenign to this radio show in comparison to the many ZPZ shows I have seen I realize at a show sometimes live hall accoustics may not be ideal for each seat in the house or at times excessive fan noise during performance of delicate passages get in the way.
When I have browsed AUD or Youtube recordings I say if this was all that I went without ever actualy going to a show or a series of shows that false precedence would be made but fortunately after seeing 9 ZPZ shows I think as a fan I can say this Rockline Broadcast is generally fair at reperesenting what ZPZ is about. If I ahve a question about the MIX I understand this was for radio. So many of those instruments were clear and far above Zappa’s recordings before he put the overdubs on them. I could hear all the necessary tone colors of the composition where it had been arranged and performed properly.
Digging further into the maturity of this band it is obviosuly evident in the arrangements. In looking particularily at the drum parts performed by Joe Travers the dynamics are vivid. Some fans seems seem to be smoking something based on what I read above but their is no accounting for taste.
While some bands out there such as Project Object who happen to have some fine upcomming talent with evolving in-the-ballpark performance including intersting pitching-changes have improved their general sound when performing Zappa’s music for my ears it still lacks the maturity that is obvious in ZPZ. In listening to Eric Slick it is obvious that this young man has talent and can play the parts but to me it lacks maturity and a definitive statement of sharp attack and attenuation. The young man seems to be hitting the notes but he sounds like Zappa on Nutra Sweet.
Joe Travers is an exceptional drummer and a friendly guy. I also don’t get the criticism. His feel is different- more of an r and b feel than, say, Wackerman or Bozzio. I am not comparing him to them- apples and oranges baby- his approach is more contemporary, therefore affecting the overall sound of the music. I saw them last year and also had the privilege of attending an open rehearsal prior to the US tour, and I felt the band was tighter than last year. His Vaultmeisterment has to go through Gail first, always. The releases do not necessarily reflect Joe’s personal choices. We have 70-plus Zappa releases to rumple and fetish. I think some of us are getting spoiled!!!
I kind of undertand what folk are saying about Joe, but he IS a great drummer – just listen to Keneally’s Guitar Therapy CD. Paul Green made a Bruford/White comparison when ZPZ first started, so maybe that puts it into context: Alan is no Bill, but then no one else is Vinnie either. Joe is a country mile better suited to playing FZ than Logeman, so…er, nuff said.
@Al – Shame you decided not to go to the ZPZ gig at Shepherd’s Bush this time round because of a drummer’s “insensitivity”. You missed a good show.
About Joe Travers’s drumming: I’d put him stylistically somewhere between Wackerman and Bozzio, also in terms of musicianship. What makes him special for ZPZ is of course his deep knowledge of the FZ catalog and his lack of “drummer extraordinaire” attitude. I’ve seen ZPZ in Stuttgart and had the feeling that Travers first of all was supporting the others excellently.
Joe Travers
just listened to his drum solo on duprees paradise
reminded me of Chester Thompson
so there.
Also listened to Joe Traver’s drumming on Dupree’s Paradise (excellent quote of Heavy Duty Judy beginning at 5:00 I might add) and find it cannot be faulted (at least in that piece). It’s been my experience listening to various cover bands with various Zappa alumni that it’s the bandleader that determines the tightness of the performances. I’ve heard many other Zappa alumni give sloppy performances, which goes to show how much of an influence FZ had upon his musicians. This being said, the ZPZ performance on Rockline is quite tight overall, and a credit to Dweezil’s leadership.
Trendmonger attacks KUR. Gary, you were an asshole on zappa.com, you are one here too. Comparing the ZPZ drummer to anyone else is worthless, because you would rate anyone on the planet earth lower than ZPZ. Not just drummer, but anyone on any instrument. You are one of the worst homers on the entire planet Earth. You are a cancer, you infect everything you touch. It’s called a virus in some cases, it consumes all it touches and moves on to consume more. And worse, the comparison you decide to use is, of course, Project Object’s drummer Eric Slick. Compare a man with more years of drumming than the other has been alive. Compare a drummer who has been paid big bucks to learn what he is told versus a kid who is doing it for the love of the music. You are a worthless shithead. Take your totally worthless comments and closet them, for no one cares what you think anymore. I heard the Rockline segment. I thought it was just ok. They are not, play the recordings exact perfect. They improvise and stray just like all the rest. Frank is dead dude, and so are your comments. By the way, its coffee you stupid fuck. When are you ever going to learn how to spell.
Okay, let’s all sit down and listen to 200 Motels like good little pumpkins.
What DesireVie says.
And for the last time, Gary You Moron. It’s you who need to smell the coffee.
Zappa Plays Zappa is a cover band. Period. Frank is dead. His son is not Frank. No one is Frank. No one will ever be Frank.
I repeat, in case you cannot get it through your thick head.
Zappa Plays Zappa is a Cover Band.
They write no new material, they are a glorified bar band with Frank’s son and insane wife living in some kind of warped dream world if they think otherwise.
Now go drown yourself in a cup of coff(e).
First let me state that I am not replying here for any form of acceptance or appreciation from any Killuglyradio participant whatsoever. My views have always been my views and are not meant as an attack on killuglyradio, a band such as Project Object or the individual performers.
I just think that what a band like Project Object does is not in the best interest of the composers artistic integrity. They are a very good band with lots of talent but from my perspective the focus of energy and skill sets are not on par with what Zappa’s works deserve in a performance that is set up to be an All Zappa performance.
Personally from how the band is set up for performance I would appreciate an effort that had only a percentage of Zappa and showcased personal material instead of these all Zappa shows. For me they showcase Zappa in a way that does not represent the artistic integrity of the composer. Fans who love what they do may always be at odds with me thinking I am at war with their agenda. I just see what I see and I am not going to lie to myself because these performances are fun.
While it may seem to some that my mentioning Project Object or making a comparison of their performances to ZPZ as some form of an attack at being Out Of The Blue in all honesty my comments the other day on Project Object were made from some recent reviews I read of the utmost praise where some fans actually thought Project Object and Eric Slick were if I may say the Unexpected Perfection and that value of the Bar Band was far more rewarding than a professional ZPZ tour that has a fee of traditional promoter pricing for the type of venues ZPZ is targeted for.
Additionally I have listened to a FLAC download from the last tour and also observed some Youtube Clip. Now to be fair I did not see Project Object at any given time of their existence in similar environments or rehearsal or tour budgets as I have seen ZPZ but to quote Andre Chumodeley “We’re not in any competition (they are a full-budget, top notch class A operation, we are a bar band that occasionally hits some theatres)–“.
I do hear an improvement in their approach to Zappa’s music but in being fair I am not going to lie to myself and think that the improvements in these pitching changes have moved them from In-The-Ballpark to performances that are Unexpected Perfection.
My statements were not a war against Project Object but more so of a general analysis where from my perception they still are In-The-ballpark. maybe some are offended by this. I don’t think they should. Zappa’s artistic integrity deserves to have extreme guidelines.
In the end observers decide for themselves on what their opinion is on the music.
I wish everybody a Happy Halloween.
trolls killed alt.FZ AND the Zappa forum, lets keep Killuglyradio ugly but alive…
Say what you will about Joe’s drumming, he’s a great guy, good to the fans and anybody with his passion for Zappa’s work should be cut a little slack. “Lather” through to “Dub Room” cd kicked ass and ZPZ puts on a good show, better than a lot of the shit that’s been allowed to fester.
Amen brother.
I love 200 motels
especially the vocal orchestral stuff like newts and also nun suit.
so let’s all listen to it , even mystery roach.
when the sound track came out in 1972 or so it blew my fukkin brain out of my head.
as for project object vs ZPZ
having seen frank perform every year from 1969-1984 it was the best thing ever.
listening to his recordings is still always a delight as well as an ear opening experience.
but listening to recording is one thing and a live performance is quite another.
when i saw prog Ob perform in a small club 2 years ago the sound sucked but there was Ike 2 feet away from me!!!
AND, Napoleon!!!!
And also, I should mention, they were playing the music of:
There were a lot of kids there who were 20 years old and they really wanted to listen to a relatively authentic performance of Zappa’s music in a live setting and they wanted it REALLY LOUD!!!
So, kudos to anyone playing and keeping Frank’s music alive.
and in disturbing conclusion:
You are Frank’s music and you a being played by a glorified bar band.
You are Franks “insane wife” and you are being fucked by a friend.
It’s fun, your getting fucked, but you’re not getting fucked by Frank.
Holy shit what have i started? Just my honest appraisal of Joe Travers’ drumming (in the ZPZ context). Haven’t heard his drumming on any other stuff (and don’t care too after hearing him with the Dweezil tribute band).
I’m glad that others recognize his stiff & inflexible feel (on FZ’s material which often times requires a deeper understanding of odd-meter playing). I have not heard Eric Slick’s playing so no comments here (other than it can take many years to to get a handle on FZ’s stylistic approaches).
But i will make a “blanket” statement that generally the drumming these days is more heavy-handed and less fluent (& subtle) than what the great drummers of the 70s (for instance) were capable of.
The use of the hi-hat for interesting odd-time accents seems to be a thing of the past as well–probably a result of the popularity of ‘heavier’ types of music among many musicians under 40 these days.
(For me personally it doesn’t get much better musically than FZ’s bands in 73/74. A high standard to judge from i know. And just because you may cover material from that era doesn’t mean the ‘feel’ of it has been accurately captured. The degrees of the “eyebrows” can be subjective & open to endless debate.)
I am not going to glorify or support either band being subjected to this conversation. I am not going down either of them as well. I like how mr I can not spell changed his name and spewed again, but this time, admitted he downloaded flac files, not a concert or music, but .flac files of p/o. You do download stuff, contrary to your endless spewing in days past of not doing it.
I have every commercial release FZ and his successors have produced, legally purchased through the chains available at the time. I also have a ton of downloads, of tons of bands I like. I still support all of them commercially. But in this context, there is no more Gentle Giant, no more Crack The Sky, no more Genesis with Peter Gabriel, AND, THERE IS NO MORE FRANK ZAPPA. So when a group of musicians gather to perform the music I like, and approach the stage within a safe distance I can afford, get to, and return in time to rest and return to work, I do. I have heard ZPZ on .flac downloads, and have seen them live. I have done the same for p/o, voc, bogus pomp and many more. If near, I do it live, if not, via download.
NONE OF THEM are FZ. NONE. So none of them sound like it. It is close. Close enough that I enjoy the hell out of all of them. Except for the guests, i.e Napi, Terry, Steve and Ray, not one of them in any band including ZPZ have worked for, performed with, toured with or have been involved with FZ in the music making recording touring capacity. There is no in the ballpark, unexpected perfection by any of them. It’s sweat, blood, love, desire and fun, and I love it all. However, I do not like anyone, including her, dweez and especially Trendmonger-Gary Titone-Coffe-SmellTheCoughE telling ME what to think or enjoy of any of it. If I had enough talent and the time to do it, I would perform it live too, and I bet some other FZ loving fan who can not perform it may come and watch me. I also bet ya that guy would spew all over the internet how I am not worthy as well.
How can you take anyone out there now touring, recording, or playing in their basement, and compare them to FZ, and all of those highly talented bands from the 60’s to the 80’s, the Ruth’s, George’s and endless others and compare them to anyone now. It is stupid. I heard the Rockline broadcast live and in repeat. Dweez and the gang are not unexpected perfection either. Not even close. I hear mistakes there too. The longer they go, the more I hear. It is cool as hell to hear TIEB with Ray again. It was cool to hear Napi do Inca, Florentine. I heard Napi do the trio How Could I be Such a Fool, I aint Got No Heart, Im Not Satisfied and I almost cried it was beatiful. I think I did when I witnessed Terry do BP #1 about 15 feet from me. I almost puked when I saw Vai do Montana. But at $40 and up, there will be no more ZPZ for me or tradition plans for modern promoters were.. I cant follow that line of crap you dished out.
If you let someone else row your boat, its gonna go where they want it too. Gary-Coffe-CoughE, you aint in my boat, you aint got the oars, baby, you aint even allowed in the same waterway I am rowing in. I am making my own decisions who I like, and why.
I am not rowing any boat but my own. I do admit that my strong views in contrast to the general community has at times seemed like I was holding some whip on a Viking Ship but the truth is that I just stand firm on my personal beliefs. As I had stated in the end observers decide for themselves on what their opinion is on the performance of Zappa music.
When I had downloaded a FLAC file of a recent Project Object show it was to get a general overview of where they are at performing Zappa music today. They have made improvements and if I offend anyone that my opinion is they are in-the-ball-park even though the pitching- changes have improved articulated performances of the compositions to my eyes and ears they are a bar band that is upholding the standards of the artistic intent of the composer.
I can see where artistic integrity is not important for most Zappa fans old and new but I do not have a war agenda against Project Object. As far as I know this band has no legal right to release recordings of Zappa music in my neck of the woods. As far as Official Zappa I have purchased each and every Official Release. I started buying official Zappa releases in July 1974 with the releases of Roxy & Elsewhere and my older brother purchased each and every official releases before that where I listed to Zappa daily since 1967.
People as individuals do have different opinions on this issue of the performance of Zappa music post 1993 but in where DesireVie brings up some of these old prog rock groups it shows how differently as individuals we are.
To my eyes and ears Zappa is Zappa, a category of music within itself. His music was delivered traditionally through the Rock & Roll Medium but the compositional aspect of the music is more definitive than the Rock & Roll medium or any given performer of a Zappa project.
It is my opinion that Zappa’s music and especially these All Zappa Programs that tour should be carried on following the composers compositional approach as ZPZ does.
By no means do I think that my personal view is only of myself. But it is for myself and those who hold similar views and I do not think I was the pioneer of this thought. Frank Zappa was. I do not speak for Zappa or the ZFT so people should separate my views. I have refrained from commentary at Zappa.com because I do not want to be perceived as some Authoritative Voice.
People will row there own boats but when I look at Frank Zappa’s Muse I understand that a band like ZPZ has unexpectedly achieved the composers intent far beyond those set forth by Rock & Roll standards or the level of expertize that any given alumni has.
It’s Halloween in one more day. Franks favorite holiday. Many Zappa fans favorite Holiday.
If there is some Zappa fan out there that calculates their appreciation of Zappa by traditional promoter pricing and if they will get enough rest for work the next day well that is just how they will be. I think some Project Object fans have at times followed some War Agenda.
It’s a nice gesture that Andre regardless of lawsuits has publicly stated that fans should support ZPZ.
Personally for me there is no other place I would rather be than at Zappa Plays Zappa on Halloween. Several other thousand Zappa fanatics will also be t The Beacon Theater where once again Zappa’s music will be performed to Zappa standards on Halloween.
When I had downloaded a FLAC file of a recent Project Object show it was to get a general overview of where they are at performing Zappa music today. They have made improvements and if I offend anyone that my opinion is they are in-the-ball-park even though the pitching- changes have improved articulated performances of the compositions to my eyes and ears they are a bar band that IS NOT upholding the standards of the artistic intent of the composer.
Due to a brain thought to typing lapse I had reported in error whereby stating that Project Object performances were bar band that is upholding the standards of the artistic intent of the composer.
Humorous to some that know my point of view it is contrary to some unbeknown reader that may actually think that my opinion was such. Since the BLOG space here has no editing function I repeat the message in full here and in an error report above setting the record straight.
I am not rowing any boat but my own. I do admit that my strong views in contrast to the general community has at times seemed like I was holding some whip on a Viking Ship but the truth is that I just stand firm on my personal beliefs. As I had stated in the end observers decide for themselves on what their opinion is on the performance of Zappa music.
When I had downloaded a FLAC file of a recent Project Object show it was to get a general overview of where they are at performing Zappa music today. They have made improvements and if I offend anyone that my opinion is they are in-the-ball-park even though the pitching- changes have improved articulated performances of the compositions to my eyes and ears Project Object primarily is a bar band that IS NOT upholding the standards of the artistic intent of the composer.
I can see where artistic integrity is not important for most Zappa fans old and new but I do not have a war agenda against Project Object. As far as I know this band has no legal right to release recordings of Zappa music in my neck of the woods. As far as Official Zappa I have purchased each and every Official Release. I started buying official Zappa releases in July 1974 with the releases of Roxy & Elsewhere and my older brother purchased each and every official releases before that where I listed to Zappa daily since 1967.
People as individuals do have different opinions on this issue of the performance of Zappa music post 1993 but in where DesireVie brings up some of these old prog rock groups it shows how differently as individuals we are.
To my eyes and ears Zappa is Zappa, a category of music within itself. His music was delivered traditionally through the Rock & Roll Medium but the compositional aspect of the music is more definitive than the Rock & Roll medium or any given performer of a Zappa project.
It is my opinion that Zappa’s music and especially these All Zappa Programs that tour should be carried on following the composers compositional approach as ZPZ does.
By no means do I think that my personal view is only of myself. But it is for myself and those who hold similar views and I do not think I was the pioneer of this thought. Frank Zappa was. I do not speak for Zappa or the ZFT so people should separate my views. I have refrained from commentary at Zappa.com because I do not want to be perceived as some Authoritative Voice.
People will row there own boats but when I look at Frank Zappa’s Muse I understand that a band like ZPZ has unexpectedly achieved the composers intent far beyond those set forth by Rock & Roll standards or the level of expertize that any given alumni has.
It’s Halloween in one more day. Franks favorite holiday. Many Zappa fans favorite Holiday.
If there is some Zappa fan out there that calculates their appreciation of Zappa by traditional promoter pricing and if they will get enough rest for work the next day well that is just how they will be. I think some Project Object fans have at times followed some War Agenda.
It’s a nice gesture that Andre regardless of lawsuits has publicly stated that fans should support ZPZ.
Personally for me there is no other place I would rather be than at Zappa Plays Zappa on Halloween. Several other thousand Zappa fanatics will also be t The Beacon Theater where once again Zappa’s music will be performed to Zappa standards on Halloween.
This site seems to be seriously infested already.
I think that any representation of FZ’s music in modern society should be applauded…whatever the format, whatever the level of musicianship. I mean, it;’s comical when someone wags a finger at people who are keeping this stuff alive as their job? Would you rather they (ZPZ) pack it in and stop playing this stuff. Maybe they should cancel their appearance on Conan O’Brien tonight which would bring FZ to millions of new listeners??
The world is big enough (one size fits all) for several interpretations of FZ’s music to occur at once. The marching band posted here at KUR was cool. ZPZ is cool. Project Object, a high school jazz band playing zoot allures, some teen on youtube trying his best to make it through Black Page by playing along., a guitarist trying to reinterpret Sleep Dirt in a spanish style..whatever. It’s just music. BEAUTIFUL music. See it live. Download it. It’s good for you. But remember, because it’s not Frank, these bands will all inherently have varying degrees of pluses and minuses to the individual listener, and that’s what makes the world go around. Different strokes for different folks.
Oh, and if you want to be a critic and bad mouth anyone even attempting to play this difficult music and keep it alive, let’s see what Frank might say about people who attempt to put his music into words.
But as for the
Sucker who will
Write the review
If his mind
Is prehensile
(his mind
Is prehensile)
Hell put down
His pencil
(hell put down
His pencil)
And have
Himself a squat
On the cosmic utensil
Remember, music is the best so ARF!! See you at the Halloween show tomorrow….I’ll be dressed as (willie the) Pimp if you want to say hi..
“Hipbone Says:
October 30th, 2007 at 8:50 pm
I think that any representation of FZ’s music in modern society should be applauded…whatever the format, whatever the level of musicianship.”
(P.S. I loosely quote a post I did on the zappa.com site. I once sat through a performance, for a half hour, playing Billy The Mountain, by himself, on a $30 Casio mini-keyboard that runs on C batteries. I did not like or enjoy it. But when he came off stage I shook his hand and said thank you because I was jealous it was not me doing it. Love, sweat, blood, tears, excitment, it was all there, bravo guy!)
Where I do not agree on some of Gary’s comments, I will allow one sentence worth of credit. If he did not care, he would not write. We both go on to long, so cya.