Remus Revisited

Dr Sharleena, this one’s for you: 1972 Ebony Ads.
I can’t wait ’til my ‘fro is fullgrown

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3 Responses to Remus Revisited

  1. dmt (LCS) says:

    Very cool. Reading the “Shamed” ad made me giggle. Nowadays, that ad is valid for an even larger group of people (I’ve met more stupid white people than of any other persuasion). Unfortunately, those who need that sort of help today probably couldn’t even read what they’re offering. Scary…

  2. Dr Sharleena says:

    OOooohOhhh…What a GREAT link to start the year, thanks Barry!
    Btw, you look pretty sharp in those clothes, can i spray you with my hose? :-)

  3. Barry says:

    Heck, why not… it ain’t froze…

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