But…: otters?

My No War appeal is getting some discusson at zappa.com’s forums. Yeah so I started the thread, but hey… any discussion, be it pro or contra, is better than no discussion at all.

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3 Responses to But…: otters?

  1. ian says:

    What the f*** is that guy Mungo on about !?

  2. Dr Sharleena says:

    “A day later, I came across another scene on an obscure road further north and to the east where, in the middle of the desert, I found a convoy of lorries transporting Iraqi soldiers back to Baghdad, where clearly massive fire power had been dropped and everyone in sight had been carbonized. Most of the photographs I made of this scene have never been published anywhere and this has always troubled me.”
    Peter Turnley
    The Unseen Gulf War

  3. ian says:

    Those pictures were broadcast on the BBC and Channel4
    news in this country – horrific and unforgettable images.

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