
One of the great things about being married to a South-American girl is you get to discover all sorts of music you previously hadn’t really bothered with. These days Barry Towers is bugging the neighbours not so much with Frank Zappa ditties, rather than with the mellow, seductive rhythms of bossa, samba, tango and salsa. Antonio Carlos Jobim! Celia Cruz! Caetano Veloso! Gilberto Gil! This, my friends, is music that shines with an infectious lust for life while encompassing a deliciously refined, sophisticated complexity. Havaianas para siempre! … and now back to your regular schedule

zappa.hu – in english

Oh, well, okay, its only a test-version yet, but we’re really curious about your opinion. After the hungarian-speaking www.zappa.hu we made it’s english-speaking brother, for your amusement – it looks just a little bit better. (Check out the hungarian connections.) Take a look, use it, criticise it… and: don’t forget to VOTE, there on the left side…

In Nieppe

Today was quite adventurous (Aujourd’hui c’tait l’aventure!)! Well sort of (Bin, plus ou moin). We crossed the border to Nieppe, France, to pick up a DVD containing FZ’s appearances on Saturday Night Live. If there’s sufficient interest (s’il y a suffisemment d’intrt), I could make a vine out of this (je pourrais en faire une chenille)… What say ye (qu’en dites-vous?)?

Browser Check

Windows users please hear my plea! While at the local library yesterday I took the opportunity to browse this site using one of their Windows machines. Needless to say things looked rather horrible in their version of MS Internet Explorer (v5.x, I believe). Hence, this slightly tweaked testpage, which I would like you to scrutinize in order to report anything weird. Upon which we shall return to our regular schedule of funny porn movie titles and silly IQ tests.

Uncle Dickie’s Shameless Quickies

If you’ve ever been part of a band, you’ll know that coming up with a decent band name that everyone can agree upon is not an easy thing (to say the least). As for our little teenage rocking combo, we’ve gone from “Appartment 23” through “Inflatable Henry” and “Virgil Venus” to “Moonbug” (and we’re still not satisfied :). Browsing this page, I rather liked “The Glands Of External Secretion” or “Uncle Dickie’s Shameless Quickies” though. Brainfood for the next rehearsal…

Is this anoter clue for the Conceptual Continuity or what?

Each nation its own beer must have. If your doesn’t, don’t be sad… At leats every nation has its soul (although some people just don’t care). Now that UE went a little larger, you can expand your horizons, and learn something about Finland and Zappa’s relation to Lucy in the sky with diamonds. Well, as you know, some nations also has a Zappa’s statue. It is right there, at the end of Vilnius’ Kalinausko street (click on the thumbnaileye. At the picture on the wall, you can see the “corcovado”, the most well known symbol of my city, Rio de Janeiro). Anyway, since we started with beer, we can’t forget the tities, specially if the girls in question are better than the Beatles! Cheers!