Got Your Tickets?

Tickets for Zappa Plays Zappa at Vorst Nationaal (11/11/05) went on sale today here in Belgium, and The Doctor & I already have ours secured (at €46 a piece but hey). Here’s to hoping there will be some cool ‘Special Guests’ besides Flo & Eddie… Have any of you purchased your tickets yet? If so, what’s “your” venue?

London Blues

Back from London, and my legs have officially turned into jelly. (Physique? What physique?) A mighty good time was had though, including a night on the town with Magic Fingers of ETPro fame. Took lots of pictures, most of which are none of your bloody business, but this little item spotted in Soho had a certain FZ aroma about it:

stylish mustaches

And then of course, there was this(Thanks MF!)

Right then, back to business!


Friendly word of advice: never book a trip on a Friday 13th. Of all the 365 days in this year, Belgian Railway workers, in their infinite wisdom, decide to go on strike today. We are talking about people that go on strike whenever someone so much as farts on a train. Lord knows when we’ll be able to take the EuroStar this afternoon. I have a feeling this is going to be a long day…

Update 15/05: Surprizingly, we got to Brussels no problem. From there the London trip was an absolute blast. Full reportage to follow.

Let’s Move To Brixton

Jesus Christ, London is expensive, let me tell you. The Good Doctor and I have been checking out the sites of some clubs and bars to visit on our upcoming London trip — only to find that entry fees vary from £15 to £25. That’s just insane. Makes me wonder how the fuck people manage to survive there! Doesn’t matter if the club/bar in question serves jazz, or rock, or Irish folk of spunk or punk. We did however find a reasonably priced club down in Brixton that appears to have some cool live jazz on their late-nite menu. Either that, or it’s a cunning ploy to rob us of our money once we get off the tube.
If you don’t hear from me next Monday, feel free to dial the emergency services, and have them know we were last spotted at Brixton Station…

The Greatest Belgian

Holland’s done it, so have Great-Britain and Germany, and now for Belgium: the search for the greatest Belgian!
My personal shortlist of worthy contenders: Django Reinhardt, Jacques Brel, Adolphe Sax, René Magritte, Victor Horta and obviously: Hergé.
I swear if they choose a footballplayer or a politician, I am moving to Montana.

London Calling

Suppose for a minute, a couple of friends of yours were to visit the town of London (UK), say, somewhere around mid May. Suppose it’d be their first time there, and you were asked to give some advice as to what they must absolutely not miss while there. What advice would you give them?

Bear in mind: for this hypothetical case, those friends would already know about the Crumb exposition

The Emperor’s New Clothes

There seems to be an increasing amount of problems all over this site when trying to comment, post at the forums or download anything. Some kind people have let me know about this privately since I hadn’t been experiencing the problem all that much myself.
Thanks for that, as for a while I was sitting here feeling like the emperor wearing new clothes (“they no longer love me”, “it’s my breath”, “where’s my Freudian manual, I know I left it close to the sofa”). I have a hunch as to why this is happening though (*cough* new webhost policies *cough*). Will be investigating the phenomenon — and in the mean time, please do comment, if you can…

Update 23/05: fair is fair, dreamhost had nothing to do with this; it be my own stupidity…

If It’s Friday This Must Be Fréjus

Signs that you need to step away from your computer: you have feverish dreams riddled with double square brackets, featuring a sinister looking librarian who chases you around with a huge encyclopaedia whilst singing the Alphabet Song. Whereupon you oversleep, come in late for work, overdose on cafeine — and post Fréjus, May 29 ’82.

Zappa, Dweezil, and Naming Conventions

So, let’s say hypothetically, you’re working on this thing called a wiki, right? Let’s say it’s a wiki on Frank Zappa, and you’re setting up a basic structure (bio, discog, videog, …). All goes well until you hit a bit of a brick wall: naming conventions.

When setting up an alphabetical index of names for instance, how do you list them? The way a librarian would — that is “Zappa, Dweezil”? An inbetween form, like “Zappa Dweezil” (no comma)? Or just plain jane “Dweezil Zappa”? For reading through the list and quickly finding what you’re looking for, I’d say the former is the way to go — there’s a reason why librarians do it that way.

The downside of this however is that it also forces you to mention those names in this form for every article about the person. An article on the Dweez would then read: “Zappa’s first son, Zappa, Dweezil, went on to become an acclaimed guitarist.” Bit awkward that, eh? Same would go for songtitles. You’d have sentences such as “There’s a track on Chunga’s Revenge called “Clap, The”. Hmmm…

So my hypothetical question: how should this be handled in your view? Any librarians outthere reading HotPoop?