Zappateers Radio

I’m a bit late with this, but if you tune in to Zappateers Radio you’ll be able to listen to some FZ-related gems such as a ’72 KMET interview, a concert in Toronto from ’84, some acoustic Project Object — and more. I’d listen in myself but I’m currently trying hard not to tell a pain in the butt client to go fuck herself at the office, working.

Kamikaze Upgrade

Few things are as exciting as an upgrade from WordPress 1.2 to WordPress 1.5. It’s a bit like bungee-jumping, except you’re not quite sure if the guy on top of the bridge buckled you up properly.

But hey, looks like we made it.

In case you’re wondering, you’re looking at WP’s default layout template (as authored by Binary Bonsai, and actually quite lovely if you ask me). Some template-fiddling will be required before these pages are given back their comfy jacket, so bear with me…

CCFZ Webring Lives On

The CCFZ Webring, formerly managed by yours truly, has found a new caretaker. I’ve known Jason of ZappaFreaks for quite some time now as he is a regular reader of KUR, and I’m confident he’ll do a great job maintaining the ring.
Since I’m interested in knowing your opinion about the ring, I put up a little poll to the right of this page. Please cast your vote, thanks…

Kung Fu

It figures. Yesterday we watched Kill Bill Vol I on DVD, today I get to announce a Roxy show from Sept 14 ’73, track 6 of which is named, what else: Kung Fu.

Update: forum member Unica (aka “He Who Announces The Friday Boot On The Zappa Dot Com Forum Every Week”) posted some nice newspaper scans from around this date. Here they are: 1 | 2 | 3.

Spam Attack

We’re under attack from a comment spammer who is currently attempting to post about 20 to 30 comments per minute. Weee! So why aren’t you seeing it here? Because he’s trying to hit a non-existent MovableType form (insert evil laughter). In the words of a certain someone: may his shit come to life and kiss him on the face. (Try googling that :) )

Not This Time George

On Thursday, January 20, 2005, George W. Bush will be inaugurated as president of the United States — AGAIN. For a nation that prides itself on being the land of the free, these are some interesting factoids to peruse. With that in mind, Mike’s Inauguration Guide might be of interest to those of you who live in the US. Various other calls to action are listed at Velvet Revolution. It is good to see the Bush-Neocon opposition alive and kicking, I must add. From all of us here at KUR: keep up the good work — it will make a difference, and that’s what matters.