From Whenst Thou Comest

What website did you visit just prior to hitting KUR? Inquiring minds want to know. Just copy/paste that link in the comments (or make it a fancy clickable html link, if you’re up for it). May be the Jethro Tull homepage, may be an Aria Giovanni page, may be the ABBA Appreciation League HomePage. may be a Windows XP driver page. Let’s see it! (No google/excite/yahoo/whatHaveYou portal pages please)

Tax Man

It’s official: Belgian customs hate my guts. Having purchased a couple of books from Amazon, I once again have to pay up — 13.42 € this time, which is about half the price of my purchase. The kicker: some 8 € were charged for “administration costs”. Catch 22 anyone? Perhaps next time I should order at amazon UK. Oh, and yes: the Doctor is a big Groucho Marx fan! ;)

Baby Snakes

Every so often I need a reminder of why I spend money on KUR. Every so often, I get the answer. Today’s answer was purchasing the Baby Snakes DVD. Two hours plus of sheer musical heaven — man I love this one (right down to the five year old Roxy DVD Yet To Come To Fruition Trailer, but I digress). Two questions though: is Roy Estrada’s hairdo real? And is that girl Angel-With-The-White-Painted-Face high on quaaludes or what?