No Waiting For Ohio To Dissolve

What if Bush wins? Read the predictions of 16 writers. Meanwhile, I still feel the Electoral College system is an awkward remnant of the olden days. See for instance here: “Another factor was that Southern states favoured the College system. Slaves had no votes but counted as three-fifths of a person for computing the size of a state’s population.” Whaa?

Vote. Early. Often.

Making the switch: stories from people who voted Bush in 2000 and will vote Kerry next Tuesday. Bush, Kerry and brand association. So far 125 US newspapers officially endorse Kerry, including at least 35 that had endorsed Bush in 2000. The New Yorker makes its first political endorsement in 80 years – pro Kerry. Who will you vote for? The Brits for one, are willing to fill you in. (And remember, when in Florida…)