I Spy With My Little iSight

iSight Sighting

… and there was much rejoicing as The Imaginary Publisher and The Good Doctor successfully installed the Apple iSight webcam!
Yes indeed folks: it is now possible for you to bust my balls about the wiki chatwise while looking me straight in the eye — provided you have a webcam and an AIM account. Ain’t technology a thing of wonder…

Whose Fish?

Here’s a little brainteaser, reportedly written by Albert Einstein who claimed 98% of the world’s population could not figure it out. Maybe you can?

There are five houses in a row in different colors. In each house lives a person with a different nationality. The five owners drink a different drink, smoke a different brand of cigar and keep a different pet, one of which is a Walleye Pike.
The question is — who owns the fish?

Insightful Svendsen

Today is apparently turning into Swedish Day here at KUR. One Kim Svendsen has been stomping through the Zappa Albums section like the proverbial elephant in the porcelain shop, making such insightful comments as “SO FUCK YA ALL RIGHT UP YA STINKY FAT ASSES!!”

Correct me if I’m wrong but: I do not think this constitutes an exciting, hitherto unknown Clue of Conceptual Continuity.

So Miss or Mr Svendsen: since you didn’t even put in a valid email address where I might have contacted you, you are as of now IP-banned.
