Boston Music Hall, 1976 (Early Show)

If you are still teetering on the fence wondering whether or not to pre-order Philly ’76 (Spectrum Theater, Philadelphia, PA, 29 October 1976) featuring Frank Zappa, Terry Bozzio, Ray White, Patrick O’Hearn, Eddie Jobson and Bianca Thornton, here are five excellent reasons to do so plucked from their Boston Music Hall performance on 24 October 1976 (Early Show):

Dirty Love
[audio:20091127_Dirty Love.mp3]

Wind Up Workin’ In A Gas Station
[audio:20091127_Wind Up Workin’ In A Gas Station.mp3]

The Torture Never Stops
[audio:20091127_The Torture Never Stops.mp3]

You Didn’t Try To Call Me
[audio:20091127_You Didn’t Try To Call Me.mp3]

Black Napkins
[audio:20091127_Black Napkins.mp3]

Posted in Frank Zappa, Miscellany, Music | Tagged , , , , , , | 10 Comments

New Frank Zappa Release: Philly ’76

Zappa: Philly 76

Here’s the email announcement, and here’s the pre-order page.

The internet largely agrees this 2 Disc release is the Spectrum Theater in Philadelphia show from 29 October 1976. The band: FZ, Bozzio, Ray White, Patrick O’Hearn, Eddie Jobson and Bianca Thornton.
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Posted in Frank Zappa, Music, Official Releases | Tagged , , , | 79 Comments

The Drummers of Frank Zappa – on DVD

The nice talk with these very fine people, as it was mentioned before. Can be ordered here.

Posted in Alumni, Interview, YouTubery | Tagged , , , , , , | 4 Comments

RDNZL – The Truth

I honestly like those tiny little (previously unknown) factoids that time after time see the light of day and reveal something we did not know before. Here’s something I know you all were wondering about (just like I did), and this is one more reason why one should follow the ZPZ reviews:

Dweezil proved an easygoing frontman, (…) explaining song titles like “RDNZL,” pronounced Redunzel a contraction of redundant and Repunzel.

Finally. There were several guesses before, and the New Knowledge is already on the site Information Is Not Knowledge as well.

Posted in Frank Zappa, Heh Heh, Miscellany, Zappa Plays Zappa | Tagged | 7 Comments

Wild Love — New York & Elsewhere, 77/78

Over 18 minutes worth of solos in the above audience recording of the October 29th, 1977, New York City performance of “Wild Love” followed by a February 15th, 1978, audio of the same from Berlin, Germany.

To me, these clips prove why Frank Zappa’s solos are so sublime, and why, no matter how tribute bands and individual musicians might try, there was just one FZ, and when he picked up his guitar, something incredibly special happened.

Posted in Frank Zappa, Music, Pop Cult | 3 Comments

Dweezil Zappa: A Son of (a Mother of) Invention

Another big thing for next year is another DVD, our Roxy concert that we did 35 years to the date that Frank last played at the Roxy. We’re also working hard to complete Frank’s Roxy film, so hopefully both of those can get released by the end of 2010.

In an interview including also some other news: a new ZPZ CD, some other musical experimentations, Dweezil’s guitars, and the What the Hell Was I Thinking project – with a downloadable part from Zomby Woof’s solo.

Posted in Frank Zappa, Movies, Music, Official Releases, Zappa Family Trust, Zappa Plays Zappa | Tagged , , , | 31 Comments

Zappa-Weekend In the French Radio FR3

Conducted by Peter Eötvös, the tunes played (if I’m correct): Penis Dimension, Dupree’s Paradise, The Perfect Stranger. The concert is said to be broadcasted on the 21st of December on France Musique radio.

Posted in Frank Zappa, Music | Tagged , , , , | 16 Comments

Captain Beefheart – Hoodoo Hoedown


For as long as I can remember, I’ve been just as big a Captain Beefheart fan as a Mothers of Invention fan. True, his is not exactly the music for your everyday, run-of-the-mill music listener who relies on a steady diet of Top 40. Still, the very same can be said about much of the Mothers music. That’s exactly what drew me to Beefheart’s music – the very same eclectic playfulness and creative adventure seldom found elsewhere. That Beefheart (as well as the many musicians who made up the various incarnations of The Magic Band) was so overlooked for so long is, indeed, criminal. As the tracks in this mixtape certain attest, Captain Beefheart and his Magic Band were far, far ahead of their time.

Genius? Egoist? Madman?

Listen and decide for yourself.

Click here to listen to the mixtape, “Captain Beefheart – Hoodoo Hoedown

Update: Belated thanks and apologies to rik walton – the fantastic photographer of the above photograph of Don Van Vliet – for not asking his permission for the use of said image and for not linking to his site. Both of which I have remedied. Fellow KUR-Meisters, go forth and check out rik’s wonderful photographic images at his website here.

Posted in Captain Beefheart, Music | Tagged , , , , , , | 11 Comments

Knick Knacks

Some links, sent in by some kind readers:

Posted in Frank Zappa, In The News, YouTubery, Zappanale | 9 Comments

The Radio Is Broken – Rehearsals, UMRK, 1980

A unique glimpse into Zappa‘s creative process as Frank Zappa and members of his Rockin’ Teenage Combo rehearse “The Radio Is Broken” from ‘The Man From Utopia’ on September 27th, 1980 at the Utility Muffin Research Kitchen.
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Posted in Frank Zappa, Heh Heh, Music, YouTubery | Tagged , , , , , | 3 Comments